Diversity & inclusion

Diversity and inclusion: our commitment to a fair working environment

Diversity is a central component of everyday life at the Bell Food Group. People of different age groups, nationalities, cultures and religions work together at all our locations. To ensure equal opportunities for all, the Bell Food Group introduced a comprehensive diversity & inclusion concept in 2023. A particular focus is on the promotion of women, as we want to significantly increase the proportion of women at management level in the coming years.

With locations in 14 countries, employees from almost 100 nations and over 50 export markets, the Bell Food Group is excellently positioned internationally. Diversity is becoming increasingly important in many areas of life, including the world of work. Awareness of diversity in the workforce is growing and more and more initiatives are being launched to promote it. The Bell Food Group is also actively committed to equal opportunities and harmonious coexistence in many areas.

Diversity at Bell Food Group

  • Diversity

    13,000 employees with 106 nationalities

  • Proportion of women

    38% of all employees are women

  • Generations

    4 generations work together at the Bell Food Group

  • Education

    150 trainees in 40 apprenticeships

  • Working time models

    67% full-time, 33% part-time

  • Age structure

    19% are less than 30 years old, 29% are over 50 years old

Women in the Bell Food Group

A diverse and inclusive corporate culture leads to more creativity, better decisions and ultimately to more sustainable corporate success. In order to create equal opportunities for all, the Bell Food Group has adopted a comprehensive diversity & inclusion concept. The focus here is on the advancement of women, as the proportion of women in the Group's management is also set to increase significantly in the coming years.

The aim is for at least 20 percent of management positions at levels 0 to 3 to be held by women by 2026. This ambitious target is part of the HR Strategy 2026+ and underlines our commitment to a diverse and inclusive working culture.

The Bell Food Group is convinced that a diverse management level has a positive impact on the entire company. Leaders who exemplify diversity also inspire and motivate the rest of the workforce to value and promote diversity.

Impressions from the women's network event